30 October 2009

Global Public Relations Handbook

It's really nice to live in e-world. I just found a very recent book (2009) on global PR. It's called "The Global Public Relations Handbook: Theory, Research, and Practice", edited by Sriramesh and Vercis, and published by Routledge. The whole book is available online via university library webpage. It gives a general overview and has separate parts on PR in Asia and Australasia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Enjoy reading!


Karuema said...

I must say, that you mobized your groupwork very well and I'm very happy because of your results. just keep the style and all will be excellent:)

Unknown said...

Hi Tiiu,

I wasn't able to find the link. Could please add that for us?
I would be interested in reading this book.

Your site looks good too. The layout is fancy and colourful!


Tiiu said...

Thanks, Kaja!

Tiiu said...

Essi, I can't give you the link, cause it opens in a window that doesn't allow it. Try using JYKDOK search using author's name Sriramesh. It gives you several results, pick Sriramesh and from there take the one marked with letter E on right. Click on E and then you can go to the page that allows you to read the book. Hope the explanation helps :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Tiiu!

Akviliina said...

That book i need to check out too, thanks!

Tiiu said...

You're welcome :)